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From Words to Action: Centering Equity in Philanthropy

To address the critical importance of equity and the impact individuals, nonprofits and companies can make in communities, Advancing Agency has worked to transform our in-depth training to a virtual learning experience that centers on normalizing and operationalizing equity within our everyday work. We will have a total of 50 slots so that everyone gets an intimate opportunity to build community and receive tailored support.

Come join us on Friday 02/12/21 at 1PM EST to attend "From Words to Action: Centering Equity in Philanthropy". This training is FREE for those that want to attend with limited tickets provided so that we can provide individualized support.

Training Components
-Identifying where your organization is on the path towards equity in philanthropy
-Examining internal structures to support equity work
-Countering challenges with alternative paths and best practices
-Ensuring funding throughout the journey toward equity
-Recognizing opportunities to advance equity within your organization and as an external champion

Participant Experience
-In this interactive workshop, you will deepen your understanding of how power dynamics in philanthropy impact nonprofits looking to center DEIB in their work. As you reflect on the barriers and opportunities within your own organization, you will gain concrete tools and practices for advancing your capacity for equity-centered work, both internally and externally.

RSVP HERE to attend.

April 12

Nestlé Trial