Together, we can put an end to slave labor.

This is what we are working on

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Access to justice

We advocate for the ability of people to seek and obtain a remedy through formal or informal institutions of justice for major human rights violations. This includes strategic litigation, legal protection, legal awareness, and civil society oversight.

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Child Labor

At least 1.56 million children and youth from Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana still produce nearly 60% of the world’s cocoa each year as a result of forced labor. (Department of Labor) In 2005, International Rights Advocates sued Nestlé and Cargill on behalf of children trafficked from Mali to harvest cocoa for those, and other companies in Côte d’Ivoire.

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Supply chain accountability

We believe that everyone benefits from supply chain transparency and accountability. Supply chains are currently responsible for much of modern day slave labor practices that we litigate and we will continue to fight for those at the end of supply chains who are working in unsafe conditions.

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Forced Labor and Labor Rights

Our main goal is to eliminate the worst forms of forced labor. Forced or compulsory labor "is all work or service which is exacted from any person under the threat of a penalty and for which the person has not offered himself or herself voluntarily.” (International Labour Organization Forced Labour Convention, 1930)

IRAdvocates is committed to advocating for fair working conditions, free choice in employment, safe conditions, just and equal pay, protection against forced labor, and the right to free association.

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Freedom from violence

We advocate for and support the right of every human being to be free from all forms of violence such as punishment, torture, gender and identity-based violence, enforced disappearance, the protection of human rights defenders, and human trafficking.

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Resource Rights

Our advocacy often overlaps between rights and the environment. IRA advocates for the right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment.

We learn from the community what the critical issues are and what they want to achieve.

Then, we engage with local partners to identify and research human rights violations, interview witnesses, and gather evidence.

In this process, IRAdvocates trains its partners and explores how to leverage and improve local legal systems and policy to better protect those whose human rights have been violated.